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Making Time to Prioritize Joy

Writer's picture: Anne Marie aka BaldgirlwilltravelAnne Marie aka Baldgirlwilltravel
Prioritize Joy

2021 has been an incredible year for me. I executed my dream and relocated abroad in May 2021 on Mothers Day.

I confirmed that I am an entrepreneur. I am actually running a business. I confirmed this year that I can follow my instincts and find business success.

But one of the things I did too much of was – WORK.

Building a business is a LOT. It’s a lot of work. It is a lot of disappointment and surprises.

It requires the ability to shift gears and pivot constantly. As I discussed in a recent “Conversations With (Being UnEmployable) chat on YouTube (Link HERE), Being Self Employed ain’t for the weak of heart ya’ll.

Earlier this Fall I shared about “Taking a Left Turn” to focus on my HR Consulting work.  I know that the work I do to support people, specifically Black Women, by walking away from discriminatory Hostile Work Environments with their coins (severance); and Finding Coaches to Redesign their Lives with The BlackWomen Coach™ Directory, matters.

But I will be honest, this work, especially the HR consulting work, is emotionally draining.

Most of my clients and potential clients are traumatized by their work experiences. Their self-respect and self-esteem have been compromised. Many have almost completely lost their self-belief. And sadly by the time many come to me, they are at the end of their rope and are unable or unwilling to go through the steps needed to acquire their freedom with dollars attached.

Some want the process to happen quickly (within weeks) and while sometimes it does take a matter of weeks, often it simply doesn’t work that way because most have not documented or even reported their discrimination concerns to management or HR – a key component for success.

To successfully exit a Hostile Work Environment (HWE) with maximum coin requires strategy and planning.

This is why I have created the 4-part Hostile Work Environment Escape Strategy Program Webinar series. The series takes participants thru the 4 key steps needed to execute an exit from a discriminatory HWE with severance pay. I recently slashed the pricing on the series to make the price point as accessible as possible. You can learn more about the Webinar Series and Enroll HERE

In 2022 my 1:1 consulting package prices will increase but the webinar series will remain at a lower price. I will also provide a 30% discount on my 1:1 consulting package to those who enroll and complete the Webinar Series.


Because I am convinced that clients that have already taken the webinar course will be better positioned to be successful in their 1:1 work with me. That is how confident I am about the webinar series.

The other reason is I want to ensure my clients have the information needed and the mindset required to be successful before they invest in a 1:1 consultation relationship with me.

I have also decided to cut back on the Let’s Talk About it Live sessions on YouTube. Instead, I will prerecord short videos with practical HR Tips for executing an escape from a Hostile Work Environment and navigating the American workplace, which I hope will empower and educate my subscribers. I will also continue to produce the Conversations with Black Women Who Coach series. Season Two starts on January 6 with a chat with one of my all-time favorite people, Miss Vaycarious herself Stephanie Perry!!! If you aren’t following her on YouTube you should be so here is a link to her channel.

I am also incredibly proud of the launch of The BlackWomen Coach™ Directory this year. I worked really hard on the concept, design, and launch of the site and there were many many challenges and bumps along the way. Membership is now on the uptick and I am confident that with time, this could be the largest collection of Black Women coaches in the World. If you are looking to level up your life with a coach, why not hire a Black Woman as your coach? You can find a collection of qualified, skilled, and verified coaches by visiting the website at and clicking “Find a Coach.”

I also relaunched my online store, The BaldGirlWillTravel Shop on Etsy. Thanks to so many of you, our first Black Friday and Holiday sale went pretty well, better than I expected. But it was very time-consuming I must say. You can sign up for sales and promotions HERE.

So why am I telling you all of this?

Because while my HR consulting work, The Directory, the YouTube channel, and my online store bring me a lot of personal satisfaction, what really brings me the most joy in my life, besides my beloved son, is TRAVEL. T-R-A-V-E-L. My trip to Italy last Fall really cemented for me how much Solo Travel means to me and how important it is for my mental and spiritual health.

In 2022 and going to be scaling back on some of the other areas so that I can prioritize this joy first and foremost.

In January 2022 I hope to close on the sale of my home in Washington, DC. It is bittersweet.

I bought my home when I was 30 years old. My son was born and came home to that house, I raised him in that house. We celebrated every Christmas, every Birthday in that House. I have so many wonderful memories in that house and yet I cannot wait to sign those closing papers! 

Because in exchange I truly get to be FREEE

And to celebrate I intend to do my favorite thing: TRAVEL. I have shared in a recent Blog Post (HERE) my Spring Travel Plans. And I am already planning for Fall.

Don’t worry I will share my adventures with you via Instagram and YouTube so make sure you are subscribed and following me there and here on this website.

I am thankful to be in the financial, physical, and mental position to do this now and so I am going to do it NOW.

I will still be doing my HR consulting work and managing The Directory but I am designing my work-life to accommodate my travel life (not vice versa) going forward. I will work as necessary from wherever I am but I am going to be much more selective about what I do, who I do it with, and for and why. Does this mean I will be a travel blogger? Not necessarily. I am not sure being a full-time Travel Blogger will bring me joy but as much as it makes sense, I will write about my travels, what I did, what I ate (cause I love good food), and what I learned. If it makes sense I will shoot videos and photographs to share my experience but there will be times I won’t feel like it and so I won’t. I don’t want to feel obligated to shoot videos and take pictures if I don’t want to and I certainly don’t want to have to write a blog post unless I actually have something to say or share.

I will share my travel experiences as much as I can because I want Black Women to stop being afraid of solo travel. And also because I want women of a certain age (ahem, 50+) to know solo travel is also for them.

The one thing 2020 taught me is how short and fragile life really is and it is a lesson I do not intend to forget.

What 2021 taught me is that breaking out of the ground culture is hard work and I have to be more intentional about it. I did not move to Mexico to work harder than I was in the US.

I did it in pursuit of my personal and professional joy, peace, and freedom and I learned how important it is to be very intentional about ensuring that whatever I do not only serves others around me but me as well.

So in 2022, I am pursuing MY Joy. I hope you will come along on the ride with me – wherever it leads.

Happy New Year Everyone!

See you in 2022.

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