Stop believing the myth that when you hit 50 you just shrivel up and die.
Frankly, my life started getting better when I hit 50!
Here are 4 reasons why, in my humble opinion, Life may very well begin at 50.
1. You Get to Embrace Your Own Personal FREEDOM
Many of us become empty-nesters, walk away from bad relationships, and come into our own at 50. Being an empty nester gives you more time and freedom to pursue your personal interest because you are no longer responsible for raising another or multiple human beings. You now have the freedom to pursue that thing, whatever it may be, that you always wondered about. Learn a new language, learn an instrument, go on that trip of a lifetime.
2. Financial Security
Most of us are pretty established in our careers by 50 and are close to the top of our earning potential. It gives us more flexibility and options to pursue interests that we may not have been able to finance in the past. It’s the time in your life when you can book that trip to Bali or Thailand that you always dreamed of but weren’t sure you could afford. Many of us finally have the disposable income and financial security to do things that we would not have been able to do when we were younger like take vacations and invest more in self-care through coaching and therapy.
3. You Embrace the Importance of Time Due to Major Life Changes
For better or for worse, many of us lose our parents, or parents in our 40s and ’50s. There is nothing more life-changing than the loss of a parent at any age but when it happens on the cusp of 50, there is a shift that happens in priorities. It makes you think about the fragility of life and the value of TIME in a way that you may not have before. For me, losing my mother and favorite nephew in 2020 stopped me in my tracks and made me really take stock of my life and examine whether I was living it the way I really wanted. I wasn’t. I decided that it was time for some major life changes so I made them. I sold a bunch of my stuff, packed up the rest, and decamped to Mexico. I quit a job that no longer served my interest and that I no longer enjoyed and decided to work for myself. I couldn’t be happier and I am pretty sure I would not have had the courage to do something like this in my 30s or even 40s.
4. No more F*&ks
Frankly, to be blunt by 50 we simply have damn near zero F**ks or Damns left. I can honestly say I have reached the age where I give zero damns now about what people think about anything that I do in or with my life. It started in my 40’s but it truly took hold in my 50’s. I live for myself now and not anybody else and it has allowed me to finally live my very best life right now.
So, there you have it!
The 4 reasons why, in my opinion, Life may truly begin not at 25 or 35 or even 40 but at 50.
When you get to your 50s, it seems to me, you truly begin to embrace Freedom, you usually have more financial security, you Value Time much more and strive to use it much more wisely and you care much less about the thoughts and opinions of others.
What do you think of this list? Do you agree?